Corporate Doc Filings LLC

IRS EIN Number Application (2020)

Reasons You Need a Federal EIN

  • Hire employees
  • Start or purchase a business
  • Operate a business
  • Open a business bank account
  • Create a Trust, Estate or Non-Profit
  • Open a Corporation or Partnership
  • Form a Limited Liability Company
  • Need to file a Tax Return
  • Death of an individual
  • Comply with the IRS

Not Sure Which Business Entity to Select?

Over 70% of EINs selected are either a Sole Proprietor, LLC, or Corporation. Here are the differences:

Sole Proprietor / Individual

Examples of Typical Sole Proprietorships
  • Catering Company
  • Lawn Service
  • Maid Services
  • Freelancers

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Examples of Typical LLCs
  • Rental Properties
  • Law Firms
  • CPA Firms
  • Investment Companies

Corporation (C-Corp)

Examples of Typical Corporations
  • Publicly traded companies
  • Large companies
  • Companies that are looking to raise a large amount of capital
Examples of Typical Sole Proprietorships
  • Catering Company
  • Lawn Service
  • Maid Services
  • Freelancers
Examples of Typical LLCs
  • Rental Properties
  • Law Firms
  • CPA Firms
  • Investment Companies
Examples of Typical Corporations
  • Publicly traded companies
  • Large companies
  • Companies that are looking to raise a large amount of capital